When the World Turned to Stone

Try to remember a time.... ah yes I see you can remember it clearly... a time when
the world turned to stone and you were forgotten.
You didn't think it was possible. How could this be possible?
Nobody forgot you on purpose. Nobody tried to forget. It just happened. Life became interesting without you, and
people, and things, and whole lives moved forward without you. And you, well you didn't move forward. You couldn't.
You could only sit and wait to be remembered. It's a deep cold place 
that bowl of shame; the waiting place.
Life swirls above you, you see it but you just can't reach it. 
That sadness becomes an obsession as you wait to be remembered.
And everything you ever believed about yourself -
your power, your beauty, your effectiveness, your value - everything comes into question.
And you feel ashamed because you thought you were more important than that.
You thought you were, well... more important than you really were. You sit with that shame and there's no one who can hear. There's no one.

The world has turned to stone 
And you are all alone. 
And everything you thought you were 
was replaceable.

When the World Turned to Stone
25” x 31”
Mixed media on masonite