
When all seemed abandoned, hopeless and stuck 
I stood at the point of no return 
and looked out at my life
This stagnant condition? 
Where movement is so non-existent 
that I seem to have grown roots 
which trapped me where I stand. 
The embodiment of a rotting self, 
we're unable to move 
as a thing in the ground 
I am wooden and buried. 

From this vantage point - 
the edge of nowhere, 
comes the dawning of the knowledge 
that all things rooted are growing, 
that movement is sometimes unseen. 
And through the despair 
comes an awakening 
of a part of myself that had been dormant and a joy that had been sleeping. 
For all things living must grow. 
Not to grow is to wither and finally die. 
As the acorn is the tree, 
so my life whispers gently to me 
"be yourself"

14” x 35”
Mixed media on masonite